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![]() 兆森摩托车大市场位于哈尔滨市道里区河山街158号,是一所集全国各大名牌摩托车及配件生产厂家的专业化大型批发市场,我们于2011年收集了市场最新的资料,资料显示现有业户不到100,市场占地面积21,700平方米,有营业用房12,000平方米,仓库11,000平方米,货棚2,588平方米,铁路专用线180延长米,功能齐全,具有仓储、运输为一体的多功能服务体系。 《摩托车与配件》杂志发行点为启良特色摩配,欢迎前来索阅! Route: Take No.110 bus to Kangan road, Jianguo street from train station. It is a professional big scale market which gather the famous brand motorcycle from the nation.The information we collected in 2011 shows there are less than 100 business shops there. The market space is about 21700 m2 ,the business occupany is about 12,000 m2 with 11,000 m2 storage. The freight shed is about 2588 m2 with 180 m train sepcial line. It has variety funcions with storage and transporting service. The magazine is located in Qiliang tese motorcycle parts... [详细介绍] |